Price model for the contract sum
Additional costs / losses and expenses
Ensuring clearly defined scope of work
Ensuring completeness of, and consistency between, contractual documents forming the contract
Neutral delay events (e.g., Force Majeure; Covid-19 etc.)
Labour and environmental laws etc.
Claims for outstanding payments, additional costs, losses and expenses
Delay and/or disruption issues such as extensions of time and prolongation costs, suspension, acceleration
Inspections and quality assurance
Indemnities and warranties
Final account closure
SOP Act payment claims / payment responses / adjudication procedures
General business law queries etc.
Assessment of merits of claims
Formulation of claims
Assessment of merits of counterclaims
Review of documents for discovery and disclosure
Selection of arbitrator(s) (for arbitrations)
Fact-finding investigations with relevant staff members
Engagement of expert witnesses (e.g., delay expert, quantum expert, specialist technical experts)
Trial advocacy etc.